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To know more about our services or if you are in immediate need please contact us through email or phone.

In case of Emergency, please call 911

38690 Flanders Dr.
Solon, OH 44139
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Helping Hands? What is your Mission?
Helping Hands supports South Asian individuals, their children and families who are trying to break the cycle of domestic and sexual violence and take back control of their lives.
What is the goal of raising funds?
We recognize that many immigrant individuals and families and particularly those that are survivors of gender violence in the United States face unique challenges, including limited access to medical, legal, social, protective and support services. Helping Hands provides direct personalized, confidential support to empower women and families to get back on their feet, and also connects them with local counseling, advocacy and crisis intervention services. As part of our extended services, Helping Hands also provides referral assistance for medical and nonÂ-medical needs for visitors or new immigrant families from the South Asian continent.
Are you part of FICA? Do you have common funds?
Helping Hands is now a “project” of FICA, similar to others such as Project Sewa, Shiksha Daan etc.Therefore we are now a 501c3 organization, and all donations to Helping Hands have the same benefits as those afforded to any 501c3 organization.
By being part of FICA, we have the ability to access the entire Indian community, and are able to raise awareness of our services to a wide audience.
100% of what is raised by Helping Hands is exclusively used to support our mission.
Helping Hands has a separate account and our funds are not used for any of FICA’s operational or general expenses.
What portion of the money I donate will be used to help women or families directly?
Helping Hands has no overhead costs. We are an “all volunteer” organization, so 100% of your donation will directly benefit needy women/families.
Who decides which individual or families will be helped and how much will be given?
Helping Hands has a formal structure with an operating Board consisting of 7 members. In addition to this central Board, we also have Working Committees for specific needs (i.e. Oversight, Finance/Fund Raising, Volunteer management).
Case workers (volunteers handling specific cases) have the authority to spend a one-time amount of $250, without approval, as they might need that flexibility to provide immediate help.
Any help between $250 – 1000/year, will need approval from the Helping Hands Board. Any amount over $1000 must be approved by our Oversight Committee.
A detailed “intake” form detailing the financial status of the client will be retained on file. All client data is kept strictly confidential.
Do the funds get returned when the beneficiary or family is able to give it back?
If the funds are sourced from a 3rd party entity, Helping Hands clients will follow the 3rd party entity’s rules. For monies dispensed from the Helping Hands fund, any disbursement to an individual/family over $1,000, will be given with the “good faith” expectation that the monies will be returned as soon as the client is financially stable.
We also acknowledge that our long term and best return on investment is when our clients become self supporting, and are motivated to give back to the community as a future volunteer of Helping Hands.
Can I make an in-kind donation (clothing, furniture etc.) versus monetary donations?
Yes. We are in the process of evaluating storage facilities where we can store in-kind donations for future use. All such non-monetary donations have to be in pristine condition and clothing will need to be dry-cleaned and virtually new.
Can I make monthly donations?
Yes, we can accept donations via check, credit card or through Pay Pal.
Can you accept Corporate donations?
Yes, we encourage that donors ask their organizations if they can provide “matching gifts” or other such funding options. We can also accept donations via check, credit card or through Pay Pal.
Is my donor information confidential?
Yes, all donor information is retained in confidential files, and access is limited to an “as needed and approved” basis. Only the Board has access to all files.
Can I expect an update on how Helping Hands is doing periodically?
All donors will get a formal email acknowledgement of their donation, which may be used for Tax purposes. Helping Hands will also issue an electronic Annual Report, in December of each year, that will be sent to all interested parties and donors. The report will detail information on the number of women/families assisted, funds collected and disbursed, along with other pertinent information.
If I know of someone who can benefit from your services who can I contact?
Please feel free to contact any member of the Helping Hands Board. Please review all the pertinent contact information on the Helping Hands flyer or website.
How do people know about your services?
We are raising awareness through various channels including FICA communications and events, reaching out to FICA Community organizations directly, raising awareness with organizations such AIPNO & SEWA (we are already collaborating with them on serving a needy family), collaborating with Cleveland based Community organizations (i.e. Asia Services, Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center) etc.
We also plan to have fliers and contact cards distributed at places of worship, grocery and Asian stores.
Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.
Call Anytime: (440)-346-8281